DRACO Design of Resilient Architectures for Computing

Presentation & Leadership at ASEE 2024!

Congratulations to Drs. Borowczak & Borowczak on their recent ASEE 2024 work and Mike’s new role as ASEE Computers in Education division Program Chair!

The DRACO lab’s PI Mike Borowczak and the School of Teacher Education’s Director Andrea Borowczak presented results from two multi-year NSF awards at the 2024 American Society for Engineering Education annual Conference in Portland, Oregon.

The paper behind their presented work, “Integrating Computing Throughout K-12 While Bridging the Digital Divide” is now freely available through ASEE Peer.

Additionally, Mike, who serves as the Editor for the ASEE Computers in Education Journal, now also assumes the role of Program Chair of the Computers in Education Division for the next two annual conferences (2025, 2026).

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DRACO and AWN Partner in year-long collaborative research.